Live life with flavor

Saturday, June 16, 2012


Ceviche is a very popular party food in the Latin community. Every Latin woman that I have ever met has their own version of this delicious meal. In the end though, it is still made from fish and either lime or lemon juice. It is not a form of sushi, though. Sushi is raw fish and other sea creatures, and this is not raw in any way. The reason that it is not raw is because the acidity in the lemon juice "cooks" the meat. You know that it is cooked and ready to be consumed because the meat turns white and is no longer pink. I love how healthy this dish is, and how simple it is to make.Ceviche can be made from all kinds of different fishes and shellfish, depending on your own personal taste. They might have slightly different recipes for it in Mexico or in Peru, possibly by adding more ingredients, but this recipe is the basic one and the one that will be found in Central America. Ceviche is eaten in restaurants and at parties, but you can go ahead and make your own, now that I'm giving you the recipe....especially if you have the urge to have some.


Any amount of white fish you would like to use (I make about a half-gallon at a time because people will eat it up quickly)

Chopped/diced onion (one cup for every three cups of fish you make)

Chopped/diced red and green peppers (one-half cup of each) for a festive color

Hot sauce (only if desired) picante

Salt and Pepper to taste

Lime juice, enough to entirely cover the fish completely

A glass or ceramic bowl or large jar

A box of your favorite saltine crackers for enjoying the ceviche


Chop the white fish into small squares and put into the bowl or container you have prepared for this. A round pyrex bowl is perfect.

Add the onion, the green and red peppers (you could also use yellow) Add the hot sauce (picante) to taste.

Cover everything well with the lime juice. It should cover the fish by at least 1/4". Cover the bowl with a clean dishtowel or cover. Leave on the kitchen counter overnight, or until the fish is the color white. 6-8 hours is about right.

The fish will have cooked in the lime juice. If it is too watery, just pour some of the lime juice out. Refrigerate until cold. When it is cold, it is ready to be served. It will last for about a week.

This is a great diet food, and you can also make shrimp ceviche, too. Just substitute the shrimp for the fish.

Eat by placing a bit of the mixture on a cracker, and enjoy with your favorite drink.


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